10 Secrets to Losing Weight You have Never Heard of Before

You must have heard of all the methods that reduce weight, and tried most of them without any of them succeeding in losing weight. Nevertheless, here are some of the methods that have helped people since 1986 lose weight without dieting, so perhaps it is better to look at them:

1. Eat proteins as soon as possible after waking up in the morning:

Chewing food reignites the fuse of metabolism inside the body daily. Metabolism determines the rate at which your body burns calories, and chewing proteins stimulates the start of the metabolism process by steroids, so it's great to start your day with a protein shake in the morning, and meat, fish, cheese, eggs and nuts are the best sources of protein.

So, you need to make sure you start with protein, and remember that chewing is the essential basis for starting metabolism, and that you have to eat in the morning if you want to lose weight.

2. Avoid eating five meals in the morning:

In the morning, you should avoid sugar, starches, carbohydrates, fruits (only in the morning) and coffee. This does not mean that you are deprived of coffee at all, but you should eat a bite of proteins before you start drinking your morning coffee because these five types o food and drinks that we talked about cause a sharp rise followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar, and this lasts throughout the day; therefore, you will never be able to succeed in losing weight until you can control your blood sugar level in a better way.

3. Avoid eating white foods at lunch:

We should avoid eating bread, potatoes, chips, and pasta at lunch because they cause a feeling of drowsiness. Because we all go through low carbohydrates between 2 and 5 p.m. each day and feel naturally tired at this time, the introduction of these white foods into our lunch increases our feeling of extreme fatigue.

Because we may not be convinced of the benefits of meditation or don't have time to meditate for 20 minutes or take a nap to relax our bodies, we eat a piece of pastry to treat that drop in blood sugar, which gains us more weight, then your body needs to rest badly at this time of day, so try to relax.

4. Stop eating complex sugars:

Compound sugars are found in sweets, baked goods, and ice cream, and it is not worth worrying about the simple sugars found in ketchup or apples and the like, as they are not a problem for weight loss. If you have difficulty refraining from complex sugars, you should look for online lessons that teach you how to reduce your appetite for them and tell you about their harms, and then you will find them completely absent from your mind. 

5. Drink a sip of grape juice before dinner every evening:

Grape juice is very sweet and obese when you eat a full glass of it, so we advise you to eat a very small glass of it by 28-29 millilitres before dinner, and you will find yourself consuming much less food because the sugar in fruits makes you feel full and gluttonous before you even start eating.

During the day, you should stay away from drinking grape juice because it makes you feel full and prevents you from supplying your body with energy when you need it during the day through other foods, while you do not need to supply much energy during the evening, after you have finished your daily duties and your bedtime is approaching.

If you are a fan of snacks in the evening, you can put 29 millilitres of grape juice in a glass or bottle of water, and then sip it at intervals throughout the evening. Before you realize it, it will be your time to sleep and you never thought of eating because of the sensation of satiety that the sugar in the juice gives you, and it should be noted that fermented grape juice does not have the benefits mentioned earlier.

6. Divide the current weight in half to know your body's daily need of water and protein:

When dividing your current weight in half, you will realize how many litres of water and how many grams of protein your body needs. After knowing the necessary amounts, be sure to provide your body with exactly what it needs of water and protein for only two days to begin with. you will notice that you have more energy and your appetite for food is significantly reduced, which will motivate you to continue in this way.

7. Eat 25 grams of dietary fibre daily:

You can get the necessary fibre for the body from fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. These foods contain raw organic fibre, and you should avoid getting them from fatty or salty foods.

You can make sure you're getting enough fibre and water necessary for your body when you feel intestinal movements for 20-30 minutes after each meal, and it's very important to drink enough water when you increase your fibre intake in your meals. Excess fibre can get stuck in the small or large intestine, causing many problems if you don't drink enough water.

8. Avoid eating bread, rolls, and tortilla chips before dinner, especially in restaurants:

Bread and other foods deprive you of your full dinner, without you noticing it.

9. Replace chocolate with healthy products:

Some healthy products are made from natural cocoa and fruit juice and are very tasty, as they will not lead to a sharp rise in blood sugar causing the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat more as chocolate does, and you can use healthy butter instead of butter or margarine, as it contains calories by less than half of what butter and margarine contain, and it is very tasty.

10. Follow the old adage "Eat leisurely food":

You can do this, or you can simply take deep breaths while eating, as it will make the food taste better, and automatically slow down the pace of your eating, and then when you eat your meal more slowly, you will notice that you are full in less time, and therefore you will stop eating.

So, what we've talked about isn't a diet plan, but a set of secrets that when you try it yourself,  you'll be amazed at how easy it is to lose weight.