10 Keys to Overcoming Difficult Times

We must have all experienced mixed feelings of helplessness, frustration, or endless stress. At some point, we wanted to throw everything behind us and give in to despair, and we were on the brink of exploding more than once, saying to ourselves, “I can't take it anymore.” After all, we're human and have limited stamina, right?

What distinguishes successful people from others is perseverance. Any difficult situation can be overcome with more patience, learning, and self-reflection. If you are going through a difficult stage in your work or personal life, you should take note of some strategies to confront crises and turn them into other steps toward success.

10 Keys to Overcoming Difficult Times:

1. Make small improvements in your life:

If you feel a lot of pressure at work or home, seek to change some of the things that increase the feeling of stress and anxiety. For example, arrange the chaos on your desk from papers and others that cause you to stress, identify the tasks to be carried out on your to-do list and start doing the easiest first, where you will notice that the completion of most of the tasks will take less than two hours, and this will mean a significant change in your life.

2. Relying on positive people:

The least you need during crises is to surround yourself with negative people. This will make you vulnerable to attracting their bad and frustrating feelings, which will increase your frustration. On the other hand, the presence of positive people may be what you need to change your bad mood and see things from another perspective.

3. Stay away from problems:

If you are used to following a specific daily routine, it will be very challenging to stop thinking about the crisis you are going through. So, it is better to do some activities that you usually do not do, such as walking in the garden for a few minutes or perhaps taking a tour of a new museum. In other words, you have to “change the scene” in front of your eyes, as this will change your state of mind, and you will return to the office with new ideas and solutions.

4. Not taking things personally:

This advice is one of the wisest advice given to you by your friends and family. When you face a problem with someone or a failure, the most common thing is to blame yourself for shortening or reminding yourself of your limited abilities. For example, you say: "I am not good at this," or "This person hates me," and other common phrases. To move forward in your life and move on from things, you have to stop thinking in that way, be sympathetic and compassionate to yourself, and understand why the problem occurs and why the other person behaves in that way.

5. Looking at the bright side of things:

When we go through difficult times, we tend to see everything in black, so we imagine that there is no good in what is happening around us. It only takes a few minutes to calm yourself and think about positive things. Always try to write it and read it from time to time, and it will be a reminder that everything around us is good and things will go well.

Looking at the bright side of things

6. Reflection:

Meditation practice will prepare you to relax and inspire, so start your day with meditation for about five minutes, and use that time to focus on your breath and feel your body. Let your thoughts go out without any restrictions or judgments of their health, and practice meditation in a quiet place after waking up from sleep. As soon as you finish, you will notice that the exercise is very reassuring. 

7. Stay away from work for a while:

If you have a dangerous problem at work and your company is in crisis, you will likely find it difficult to get away from work or turn off your computer or phone. However, spending some time outside the scope of work and away from the means of communication and professional problems will be the best enhancer of your resolve in crises. Stopping any form of communication for 10 minutes a day and devoting time to do something you enjoy will make it easier for you to return to deal with problems again.

8. Exercise:

You may be thinking about your secret: "I do not have the time or desire to run or go to the gym." Your schedule is indeed crowded, but this is not a sufficient reason to neglect your body and your health. In addition, exercise works to produce the endorphins hormone, which is an excellent treatment to soothe your anger or sadness through movement.

Read also: Anger Management: Why It's Important When Facing Work Conflicts?

9. Search for a Mentor:

It is always advisable to excel in your career as an entrepreneur or in any profession you are pursuing with a mentor with you in your career. The mentor may be a friend, teacher, or a person closely related to your work. However, the most important thing is to be a reliable person, expert, and honest enough to reveal the truth to you and guide you to the right. Expressing or venting your anger to them will make you feel inner peace, and will give you advice required to change any wrong path you follow if necessary.

Read also: Career development: Learning From Negative Feedback

10. Finding the root of the problem:

When you are going through a difficult time, it is natural to blame everyone and express your anger to your partner and friends, and often you will reject all the solutions before you. It is advisable to sit down to think and analyze why you feel angry and resentful. Doing so will help you understand the extent of your ability to control the situation or inability to do so; thus, you can either accept it, or leave it altogether, and here lies wisdom.

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